Horses’ front legs are frequently chained in Romania in order to keep them from straying and bolting. On this particular day, though, a wild horse was waiting for assistance when veterinarian Ovidiu Rosu intervened.
For the Romanian volunteer from the Four Paws charity, the thought of how the poor animal was suffering with the chains piercing more and deeper into his body was intolerable.
The horse gave his savior a tender kiss once he was eventually able to release him and aid in his recovery from the anesthesia. This was the horse’s way of expressing his appreciation.
The mare has been tagged, according to Four Paws International, so that she may be recognized in the future if she ever has to be shackled once more.
According to a Four Paws spokesperson:
“We will take action to track down and notify the owner to the police if we discover her chained once more. Depending on their cooperation, we may also take efforts to instruct the owner in the right handling and maintenance of horses. Unfortunately, not just in Romania but in many other nations, these practices have been in place for a long time.
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