Beautiful gray tabby cat Mayson was abandoned by his family as a result of the horrific Camp Fire in Northern California. Mayson panicked after hearing an explosion from a neighboring propane tank and escaped. Laci Ping and Curtis Mullins attempted to flee their home and load up all of their beloved dogs.
A fire team in the area intervened to stop the woman from pursuing the cat farther out of concern for her safety.
Ping stated to The Dodo:
My heart was pounding as he fled. I was unable to access him. He managed to escape, albeit I have no idea how. The notion that I would never see him again immediately crossed my thoughts.
The couple was quite upset about what had occurred, not just because a fire had destroyed their house but also because they might not see their cat ever again.
Ping made the decision to broadcast Mayson’s picture all over social media in the hopes of locating him when they discovered they were staying at a friend’s house with the rest of their animals.
Says Ping
“I kept looking all over the internet to see if anyone had found it. After a few days, the UC Davis [School of Veterinary Medicine] issued a list of cats that had been located.”
Ping called the UC Davis office as soon as she discovered a gray tabby cat with a white patch of fur around his lips in one of the pictures.
Says Ping
“I instantly recognized his picture. That’s my baby Mayson, I thought. I had a clue.
A vet tech entered the clinic room while they were waiting impatiently with a package.
Says Ping
He continued to blame me for leaving up until the time we noticed it. She was in tears. I believed I would never see him again.
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